Proverbs 15:21-22 (ESV)

21 Folly is a joy to him who lacks sense,

but a man of understanding walks straight ahead.

22 Without counsel plans fail,

but with many advisers they succeed.

The wise person stays on the path of righteousness because she desires the good result. The fool is driven by her emotions and only considers what will make her feel happy in the moment. She doesn’t care about long-term consequences because she has no fear of the Lord. Those who are humble admit that they need the advice of others. The arrogant don’t seek counsel. They are actually self-righteous, believing their conclusions are right. When you are making decisions do you seek the wisdom of God? The first place to start is with the Scripture. What does the Bible say about the current choices you are facing? At the same time, be sure and seek the Lord’s help in prayer. Then go to a few close friends who know God and ask for their input. Though it may be awkward and embarrassing, the advice we get from others can be vital when it comes to intelligent decision-making.