Proverbs 16:23-24 (ESV)

23 The heart of the wise makes his speech judicious

and adds persuasiveness to his lips.

24 Gracious words are like a honeycomb,

sweetness to the soul and health to the body.

The wise woman gives much thought to what she does and doesn’t say. If her heart is humble before God, open to correction and instruction, she is able to respond with thoughtful speech regardless of her circumstances. Words driven by love for others are like honey, both sweet and healing. They bring life to individuals and communities. Those around us can be damaged by the harsh and thoughtless speech of the foolish. The wise woman navigates foolish talk and helps the hearer regain her hope. The Proverbs remind us how we must restrain our speech. At the same time, we must carefully consider how to communicate with kind and healing words. There are times when we should hold back our thoughts and times when we should speak them, even when it’s hard. Have you used your words for good lately? Ask God to grace you with words that build others up today.