Proverbs 17:21-22 (ESV)

21 He who sires a fool gets himself sorrow, 

and the father of a fool has no joy.

22 A joyful heart is good medicine, 

but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

The foolish child brings grief to herself and her parents. Her father laments her unwise choices. But wisdom advises one to live joyfully, looking for and focusing on the good in every situation. By doing so, the heart is graced with vitality rather than broken under despair. One who is depressed loses her passion for living. Jesus taught his disciples that because their names were recorded in the Book of Life, they had great reason for joy. It’s inconsistent with God’s call upon believers’ lives to remain discouraged. When we focus on our problems, we can feel overwhelmed, but when we get our eyes and hearts looking upward, we remember we have everything to gain and nothing to lose. If you are feeling sorrowful, ask God to help you consider your great salvation. And then, move your attention off of yourself and onto others, lifting the spirits of those around you today.