Proverbs 24:3-4 (ESV)

By wisdom a house is built,

and by understanding it is established;

by knowledge the rooms are filled

with all precious and pleasant riches.

There is nothing wrong with enjoying financial blessings in this life, but they must be sought after and kept with a godly attitude. According to Saying 21, the righteous person gains wealth by employing biblical wisdom. She works hard, spends wisely, gives to others, and is satisfied with the resources God has given her. She doesn’t envy and chase after everything the world insists that she needs, but maintains a healthy balance between what she buys, what she saves, and what she shares. As she walks along the path of the righteous, her home is filled with good things, including material resources and spiritual blessings. We are bombarded with messages telling us we need to buy, implying that if we just purchase, we will be happier. But that’s rarely the case. Invest into things that can’t be destroyed, stolen, or taken away as you store up treasure not only in this life, but the life to come.

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