Proverbs 24:1-2 (ESV)

1 Be not envious of evil men,

nor desire to be with them,

for their hearts devise violence,

and their lips talk of trouble.

As we look at the world system around us, we often wonder why the ungodly seem to prosper, while the righteous suffer. Saying 20 warns the wise against any enticement she may feel to entertain these thoughts, cautioning the upright to reject the company of the wicked. The ungodly are egocentric, looking out for their own selfish interests rather than focusing on what would benefit others. They talk about what they want and how they will get it. Whether it be taking someone’s resources, reputation, or life, the wicked don’t care what happens to anyone else as long as they are temporarily satisfied. But judgment is coming. When they stand before the throne of the King and give an account of their behavior, it will be too late to turn back. Wanting what those who are evil have is foolish.Walk away from any temptation to follow darkness in your actions or your attitude.

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