Proverbs 23:9-11 (ESV)

Do not speak in the hearing of a fool,

for he will despise the good sense of your words.

10 Do not move an ancient landmark

or enter the fields of the fatherless,

11 for their Redeemer is strong;

he will plead their cause against you.

Saying 10 teaches that it’s a waste of time to try and engage in intelligent conversation with a fool. The wise person assesses whether or not the one she is speaking with is capable of sensible dialogue before she proceeds to talk about the truths of the Lord. According to Saying 11, the greedy may try and take financial advantage of those who are weak in the community, but the ancient boundaries lines that were established by God are not to be tampered with. God cares about the security of those who don’t have adequate protection, and when necessary he will personally punish those who oppress the needy. If you are being taken advantage of, do what you can to right the wrongs you are experiencing, knowing that God stands against those who mistreat the weak. If you want to be like the Lord, extend help to those who are less fortunate in your community today.

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