Proverbs 23:4-5 (ESV)

Do not toil to acquire wealth;

be discerning enough to desist.

When your eyes light on it, it is gone,

for suddenly it sprouts wings,

flying like an eagle toward heaven.

Saying 8 warns against the pursuit of financial gain independently of God’s wisdom. We tend to put our trust in our riches, and the woman who amasses wealth often hopes in her bank account instead of the Lord. When wealth is viewed through the wisdom of Scripture, it can be enjoyed, shared, and even released. The one who is secure in the Lord uses her finances in a way that brings glory to God and the gospel. On the other hand, money is like a powerful eagle who flies through the heavens with none to thwart his course or capture him.When he is ready to depart, he goes, and there is no way to bring him back. In the same way, finances disappear quickly.The one who is foolish can blow through a week’s wage in a night or two. And once the money is gone, there’s no way to get it back. Find your security in God instead of your wallet.

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