Proverbs 23:1-3 (ESV)

1 When you sit down to eat with a ruler,

observe carefully what is before you,

and put a knife to your throat

if you are given to appetite.

Do not desire his delicacies,

for they are deceptive food.

Those who are wise realize that careful consideration must be given to every circumstance and opportunity. Saying 7 explains that when dining with someone in authority, the way one conducts herself can make or break her future career. Be thoughtful and restrained in your conversation, use good manners, and by all means, don’t order the most expensive thing on the menu! Observing someone in a social setting, such as dining, often reveals more about the person than an interview over a desk. If you can’t control your appetites, then don’t eat at all. If you are given to drunkenness, don’t drink a sip. Avoid anything that would lead you to excess and sin. Don’t be deceived, and don’t let your guard down. Be sober-minded and thoughtful in all you do. You never know who is watching your level of indulgence or restraint in the things put before you.

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