Proverbs 22:28-29 (ESV)

28 Do not move the ancient landmark

that your fathers have set.

29 Do you see a man skillful in his work?

He will stand before kings;

he will not stand before obscure men.

Saying 5 reflects the time under Joshua’s leadership when the land was divided up and allotted out to the tribes of Israel. Stone landmarks were established to define where private property boundaries existed. Thieves would slowly move the markers so that their own land was increased, while diminishing the property of their neighbors. This practice was equivalent to theft. In Saying 6, the wise son is exhorted to watch for the skilled person, who consistently does the best job he possibly can. Because of his discipline, dedication, and attention to detail, this person will win a good reputation and financial success. How do you work when no one is watching? Do you cut corners and do only as much as needed to get by? Our attitude toward work reflects our respect for God. Whether big tasks, small chores, or even routine homework, choose to do all that you are called to with excellence today.

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