Proverbs 24:26-27 (ESV)

26 Whoever gives an honest answer

kisses the lips.

27 Prepare your work outside;

get everything ready for yourself in the field,

and after that build your house.

In the ancient Near East, when one was beneath another in social status, he bowed in deference. When one was slightly above another, the superior graciously kissed the inferior on the cheek. But when two were equal, a quick kiss on the lips was appropriate. The kiss also symbolized devotion in the Old Testament. So an honest answer is as valuable as the intimacy between two friends. God also esteems hard work. We should be able to provide for those who will live in our homes before we actually establish those homes. Our actions and our words impact the lives of those around us. We all have friends who will say what we want to hear, but rare are the ones who love us enough to tell us the truth. Be genuine today. But don’t just communicate truth and callously walk away. The faithful woman speaks honestly and stands by her friends to the very end.

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