Proverbs 24:21-22 (ESV)

21 My son, fear the Lord and the king,

and do not join with those who do otherwise,

22 for disaster will arise suddenly from them,

and who knows the ruin that will come from them both?

According to Saying 30, a wise life begins with a healthy fear of God and his word. The son is encouraged to fear the king, who has been entrusted with administering justice on earth. This advice would assume the king is good, but even in the presence of an unjust king, the godly person is to align her behavior with the desire of the governing authorities, as long biblical law and principles are not violated. The son is further admonished to refrain from any attempt to overthrow the leadership of the Lord and his king. To advance in status, one must come under the king’s rule rather than destroy it.What authorities has God placed in your life? The wise woman yields to the desires of those over her, resisting only when her leader’s will opposes the will of the Lord. If she kicks against authority, both the Lord and the king will allow negative consequences to result.

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