Proverbs 24:32-34 (ESV)

32 Then I saw and considered it;

I looked and received instruction.

33 A little sleep, a little slumber,

a little folding of the hands to rest,

34 and poverty will come upon you like a robber,

and want like an armed man.

The father revealed to his son the wisdom he gleaned from observing the sluggard’s vineyard. He learned that the one who turns from work and diligence for more sleep, or for folding the hands in rest rather than using them for labor, will end up impoverished. The lazy man rested while others planted and tended their fields, and when harvest time came, the sluggard had no produce. With no produce, he had nothing to sell to generate income, and financial lack pounced upon him like an unexpected thief or an advancing soldier. His opportunity passed, and the prospect of financial blessing was gone. It is foolish to reject hard work. The one who continually seeks a path of ease will end up without much to show for her time on this planet. Whether it is physical or spiritual work, don’t neglect to do good while you have the occasion. You never know when your window of opportunity will come to an end.

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