Proverbs 24:5-7 (ESV)

A wise man is full of strength,

and a man of knowledge enhances his might,

for by wise guidance you can wage your war,

and in abundance of counselors there is victory.

The righteous one recognizes that in order to overpower or silence her opponents, she must get godly advice. Saying 22 reveals that wise counsel can only be given to the one who humbly admits she needs help. At times, those in leadership must wage war against physical enemies, but most often our personal struggles are not with flesh and blood, but rather against the unseen forces of evil, prompting and pushing us to make unwise decisions. We may need to persuade opponents to think consistently with wisdom, yet we will more likely engage in dialogue with ourselves as we consider God’s design for human behavior, seeking to align our will with his. It is foolish for anyone to do battle alone.Whom do you go to for godly advice? Make sure you get biblical counsel as you resist your enemies today, even when the enemy is your own sinful nature.

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