Proverbs 14:8-10 (ESV)

The wisdom of the prudent is to discern his way,

but the folly of fools is deceiving.

Fools mock at the guilt offering,

but the upright enjoy acceptance.

10 The heart knows its own bitterness,

and no stranger shares its joy.

The wise woman gives thought to how her present actions will impact her future. The foolish woman devises ways to harm others, not realizing that her ungodly behavior will return to her. Foolish people don’t take responsibility for their sin. In fact, they resist feelings of guilt and have no desire to confess and repent of their wrongdoing. The righteous quickly ask the Lord for forgiveness when they fail to live according to his design. Only God truly knows the human heart. There are joys and pains we have experienced that others simply can’t understand. It is unwise then to assume the motives of those around us. When we do this, we often wrongfully accuse the innocent and approve of those who are self-seeking. We must live consistently with what God has called us to, even when misunderstood by others. Be true to what the Lord has shown you and called you to today.