Proverbs 15:6-7 (ESV)

In the house of the righteous there is much treasure,

but trouble befalls the income of the wicked.

The lips of the wise spread knowledge;

not so the hearts of fools.

Those who are upright end up with personal wealth while they enjoy the blessing of helping others. Those who are evil keep their resources to themselves. Both ill-gotten and hoarded finances provide no real long-term benefit for the people who hold them. The righteous are not only generous with their money, but they are gracious with their speech too. Fools don’t have insightful words to share. When they speak, what comes forth is not consistent with Scripture, and holds no lasting value. Do your words spiritually benefit those who hear them? One’s speech betrays the nature of her heart. If you were declared to be a wise or foolish person based on the words you spoke in the last week, what would the verdict be? Be careful to think before you talk. When in doubt about what you’re about to say, better to be silent than sorry.

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