Proverbs 16:31-33 (ESV)

31 Gray hair is a crown of glory;

it is gained in a righteous life.

32 Whoever is slow to anger is better than the mighty,

and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.

33 The lot is cast into the lap,

but its every decision is from the Lord.

Old age should be treated with respect. The older woman has experienced more days of life and is generally able to see the wisdom of embracing God’s design for human behavior. The one who is wise is able to control her anger. This godly woman thinks about others before she reacts. She refrains from impulsive outbursts. She has learned to rule her spirit by taking control of her own emotions, overlooking the foolish statements and actions of others. She is not paralyzed by hurt feelings. Her trust is in the Lord, and she knows that every decision is ultimately from the hand of her good God. Until you agree that you wrestle not against flesh and blood, you will be chained by others’ opinions of you. What’s keeping you from being or becoming a mighty heroine in full control of her emotions? Let go of all bitterness today. Extend kindness to everyone, even those who aren’t so kind to you.