Proverbs 16:25-27 (ESV)

25 There is a way that seems right to a man,

but its end is the way to death.

26 A worker’s appetite works for him;

his mouth urges him on.

27 A worthless man plots evil,

and his speech is like a scorching fire.

The proud person refuses to see her need for God’s wisdom, instruction, and ultimately his forgiveness. She erroneously believes she knows what’s best, owes no account to God for her sinful behavior, and possibly even deserves reward in the judgment because she is a “good person.” Our need for food drives us to work hard. Although we may work for others, we use financial compensation to satisfy our own basic needs. A longing for spiritual truth drives the righteous to seek the Lord. But the worthless person uses her words to disparage others and invent ways to circulate that information in the community. She is like one who prepares scorching food or throws flaming spears, burning the rest of her party. She takes pleasure in seeing ruin befall another. The wise person will avoid this woman. The destructive fire she creates is, in the end, driven by the flames of hell.