Proverbs 19:1-2

1 Better is a poor person who walks in his integrity

than one who is crooked in speech and is a fool.

Desire without knowledge is not good,

and whoever makes haste with his feet misses his way.

Even though the poor person will encounter difficulty in this life, in the end, she will be better off than one who lies and takes advantage of others. Soon, God will punish sin and make all things right. No matter what calamity falls upon the poor person, if her hope is in the Lord, she has more reason for rejoicing than even the wealthiest human on earth. The wicked woman rushes to increase her worldly assets and misses God’s desire for her life along the way. If you are feeling discouraged by a lack of finances or any other good thing, remember that God has promised he will never leave or forsake us. The favor God has bestowed upon us now in forgiving our sins will follow us for all eternity. As the pleasures of this life are truly fleeting and momentary, so are the sufferings. Those who keep an eternal perspective live consistent with ultimate reality.