Proverbs 2:17-19 (ESV)

17 who forsakes the companion of her youth

and forgets the covenant of her God;

18 for her house sinks down to death,

and her paths to the departed;

19 none who go to her come back,

nor do they regain the paths of life.

Although the forbidden woman has a husband, maybe even a godly man, she has no regard for her commitment to him. Though God witnessed her marriage vows, she doesn’t care. She believes God is withholding pleasure from her, so she pursues sex outside of her marriage. But her ways lead to death, and she drags those she lures into her trap along with her. Sexual sin has devastating consequences, and those who enter into it will never be the same. It affects the entire person: physically, emotionally, and spiritually. If you have participated in extra-marital sex, see the seriousness of acting outside of God’s design. Remember, what you do with your body matters to your Creator. And yet, for all wrongdoers, there is hope in Christ. Jesus is willing to pay the penalty for your wrongdoing and wash away your stain, making you brand new. Confess your sin today and start doing things his way, trusting totally in him to heal your broken soul.

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