Proverbs 31:24-25 (ESV)

24 She makes linen garments and sells them;

she delivers sashes to the merchant.

25 Strength and dignity are her clothing,

and she laughs at the time to come.

She creates all sorts of beautiful garments and sells them in the marketplace, enhancing the status of her household. Although we may not be merchandising clothing, we are all called to labor. Even if you aren’t employed outside the home, you can enrich the reputation of your family by being known for loving and serving others as you invest in your church. This woman covers herself with strength and dignity, known by all to be faithful, diligent, and kind, focusing on others and trusting in the Lord. She is not afraid of the future, including unforeseen and potential difficulties. In fact, like a victorious warrior, she laughs triumphantly at the days to come. She is confident that God will properly manage the affairs of her life. Are you fearful of the future, worried that the Lord will forsake you? Or are you boldly trusting in him to successfully move you from one day to the next?