Proverbs 31:18-20 (ESV)

18 She perceives that her merchandise is profitable.

Her lamp does not go out at night.

19 She puts her hands to the distaff,

and her hands hold the spindle.

20 She opens her hand to the poor

and reaches out her hands to the needy.

Her work makes a difference in the community. In the ancient Near East, the well ordered home had a lamp burning all through the night as a sign of the household’s success. When the lamp went out, all would know the home experienced poverty. This woman is successful because she labors without any signs of complaining, murmuring, or muttering. Her palms grasp the spindle, which was used to create useful and strong threads from her prepared materials. She skillfully and intelligently holds her tools, manipulating them to create superior products for her household while generating extra income. She invites the less fortunate to enjoy her wealth, and she blesses them with material goods. This woman realizes that her prosperity is a gift from God, and even though she labors continually, she is always eager and willing to share. Are you tight-fisted when it comes to the poor around you? Are you willing to be generous today?