Proverbs 31:16-17 (ESV)

16 She considers a field and buys it;

with the fruit of her hands she plants a vineyard.

17 She dresses herself with strength

and makes her arms strong.

She thinks of strategic ways to invest the money she’s earned from her textile business. She strategically considers the best financial course of action and creates a plan. She doesn’t stop with a proposal. After praying and planning, she buys a field. With her own hands, she clears the dirt of rocks before she plants a vineyard. Her hands, or palms, prepared and processed the wool and flax, and now expand her wealth by investing into a vineyard. Although this woman has servants, she is disposed to do the work of a servant. Whether physically or spiritually, she’s always set to do whatever the Lord requires of her to be useful to him. Are you wiling to do manual, even humble labor? Or do you see yourself as above certain jobs or roles? Be prepared to do whatever God asks of you today.