Proverbs 31:13-15 (ESV)

13 She seeks wool and flax,

and works with willing hands.

14 She is like the ships of the merchant;

she brings her food from afar.

15 She rises while it is yet night

and provides food for her household

and portions for her maidens.

In the ancient Near East, the two primary sources of textile production were wool and flax. This woman weighed, combed, and washed the wool, and she collected, cleaned, and dried the flax, exerting much hard and painstaking labor. Even though she had money, she didn’t turn from vigorous toil. Her hard work resulted in fabrics to be sold in the marketplace. People spent large amounts of money to acquire the best clothing. She used her resources to purchase exquisite and rare foods for her household. The Hebrew word translated as “food” actually refers to the prey of wild animals. The author’s word choice provides a parallel between our woman and a lioness. The lioness hunts through the dark hours to provide her cubs with prey.This woman doesn’t stay up all night, but she is as aggressive as the lioness, taking care of her household. Will you choose to put the needs of your family before your own today?