Proverbs 30:13-14 (ESV)

13 There are those—how lofty are their eyes,

how high their eyelids lift!

14 There are those whose teeth are swords,

whose fangs are knives,

to devour the poor from off the earth,

the needy from among mankind.

The arrogant find no need for God, and often see themselves as superior to other people. The proud use their words as harmful weapons to destroy the weak. They lie and manipulate, even giving false testimony in court, to take what little resources the poor have, while hoarding their assets up for themselves. As a result, the less fortunate are no longer able to care for themselves and die prematurely. But God is opposed to these haughty, self-seeking, and devious people. Although the egotistical view themselves as more important than their neighbors, God sees all and will punish their pride. The arrogant think they are wise, powerful, and beautiful, but in God’s eyes, they are violent beasts. Choose to humble yourself, asking God to help you see the way he sees today.You may be quite surprised to discover that compared to others, you’re not as great as you thought.

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