Proverbs 19:28-29 (ESV)

28 A worthless witness mocks at justice,

and the mouth of the wicked devours iniquity.

29 Condemnation is ready for scoffers,

and beating for the backs of fools.

The wicked person seeks to pervert justice. Although she has first-hand knowledge that would help determine truth, she’s not interested in honesty. Instead, she gives false testimony, relishing the injustice that results from her lies. Her mouth swallows evil, and she can’t consume it fast enough. Although she enjoys the outcome of her dishonesty, she will face judgment when God makes all things right. The one who refuses to align her desires under the revealed will of God will be punished. The fool will also be beaten because of her poor choices. Though these consequences are not corrective, like the loving discipline that comes from a good father, they can be effective. If you are suffering because of poor decisions, put an end to your foolish behavior. Although you may have to accept the fallout of your sinful choices, you can still determine to submit yourself to the Lord. It’s a great day to start obeying God.