Proverbs 19:5-6 (ESV)

A false witness will not go unpunished,

and he who breathes out lies will not escape.

Many seek the favor of a generous man,

and everyone is a friend to a man who gives gifts.

The court should be a place where justice is administered. Those who oversee the legal process depend on witnesses to accurately communicate what they experienced or know regarding a given case. But not all witnesses are truth-tellers. Although they may prosper before man, even within the judicial system, God knows all and will not leave liars unpunished. Flattery is used to gain the confidence of the judge in a position of power, and money can influence a desired verdict. If you are discouraged today because an evil man successfully used flattery or money to pervert justice, don’t lose heart. Keep doing the right thing. Not one person will escape the judgment of God. On the day of judgment, every human soul will be fully exposed before the One to whom all will give an account. No clever words or stack of cash will manipulate the Lord of the universe.