Proverbs 8:17-18 (ESV)

17 I love those who love me,

and those who seek me diligently find me.

18 Riches and honor are with me,

enduring wealth and righteousness.

Wisdom praises those who love her or desire to receive her instruction, and she will love them in return.There is a relationship between wisdom and her followers. Those who find her know and memorize her words. Those who have been rewired by God through faith in his Son will long for wisdom. And those who pursue wisdom will be blessed. Obedient living leads to a fruitful life. The wise are those who use their riches and honor for the benefit of others. Are you diligently seeking after wisdom? Do you spend time in God’s word daily, pray for insight and direction, hear the Scripture preached in church, and turn to the righteous for counsel? If so, you will reap the benefit of being loved by wisdom. If not, you can change your course today. Above all, determine to listen to and apply wisdom’s teaching. You can’t afford not to!

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