Proverbs 5:13-14 (ESV)

13 I did not listen to the voice of my teachers

or incline my ear to my instructors.

14 I am at the brink of utter ruin

in the assembled congregation.”

The sinner rejects the multiple voices of wisdom that warn against the severe consequences of turning to the forbidden woman. He may confess his wrongdoing, lamenting all that he lost as a result, but when his shame reaches the public arena, and the facts are exposed to the light, there is no way to retract what he has done, so foolishly in the dark. May we remember that even amongst two “consenting” adults, sexual sin affects more than just the pair. Spouses, children, parents, siblings, neighbors, even co-workers are often crushed to learn of a friend or family member’s unfaithfulness. The internet has opened doors to all sorts of darkness, and pornography is only a couple clicks away from anyone with a phone or other device. If you are engaged in any form of sexual sin, get help today. Call a godly friend and ask for immediate accountability.

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